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4 Mar, 2022

Autumn Regrassing Specials 2022: Custom Seed Mixes

SHEEP AND BEEF MIX Product Rate kg/ha Revolution Diploid Perennial Ryegrass 16 Clara Diploid Italian Ryegrass 5 SF Quest White Clover 3 Angus Chicory...

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Sub clover 1

16 Dec, 2021

Dryland Pasture: Subterranean Clover

Dryland pasture species not only persist in challenging environments, but also perform at the right time to make a difference to your bottom line. Subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) is an annual clover that gets its name from the characte...

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Rational diversity web banner

3 Sep, 2021

Rational Diversity

If you don’t know what you stand for, you’ll fall for anything. Selecting the right species, cultivars and their respective sowing rates can be a daunting exercise for farmers who are often inundated with information, much of it conflicting. In rece...

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Fodder Beet Banner 2

10 Aug, 2021

Key considerations when choosing fodder beet

Following best practice guidelines when introducing fodder beet into your farming system can result in high yields and good utilisation of the crop by your herd. Our agronomists work with their clients through every consideration that needs to be mad...

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IMG 2726

5 May, 2021

Glenroy Farm: Working on research and development

Understanding farm systems is imperative to adding value to our customers’ businesses, as is taking a ‘whole system approach’ to our agronomic service offering. To build on our knowledge of working farm systems and good rotation planning, we took on ...

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RC Large

27 Jan, 2021

Fertilising strategically with Rapid Canopy

While there’s no single fertiliser that can be described as a ‘one-stop’ solution, one product we continue to see great results from in beet and brassica crops is Rapid Canopy....

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