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231016 Junior Team

16 Oct, 2023

First graduates from new agronomy programme

Republished with permission from Business Rural South, Spring 2023. Words by Richard Loader. Five junior agronomists have recently completed Catalyst Performance Agronomy’s intensive 18-month agronomy programme and can now proudly call themselves qu...

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Regrassing blog

5 Sep, 2023

Don’t let poor cash flow drive poor decisions when it comes to Pasture renovation

Pasture is the cornerstone of agricultural productivity, wielding immense influence over farm gate output. In fact, it stands as the primary contributor to both per head and per hectare production. Thanks to the rich organic matter content soils and ...

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IMG 6501 web banner

8 Aug, 2023

Up dry matter production in the shoulders of the growing season: GibbSTART MAX + Liquid Urea

One of the most cost-effective ways to increase pasture production on the shoulders of the season is through the application of Donaghys GibbSTART MAX in conjunction with Nitrogen (N). The active ingredient in GibbSTART MAX is Gibberellic Acid (GA3),...

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SY Dolomite

28 Mar, 2023

Introducing SY Dolomite Feed Barley

SY Dolomite (SY 415-584) is a new feed barley variety that was released to the New Zealand market in Autumn 2023. SY Dolomite has demonstrated exceptional yields in both dryland & irrigated environments from both Autumn and Spring sowings. SY Dolomi...

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Catch Crop

27 Jul, 2022

Catch cropping: Use the N before you lose it

Are you about to finish your winter feed crop? Use the N before you lose it! Catch crops are an efficient tool to extract mineral nitrogen and other nutrients before it has the potential to be lost via leaching or soil run off. (Article continues bel...

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Transitioning web

18 May, 2022

Transitioning animals onto fodder beet

At this time of year farmers all round start to transition their animals onto the crops our agronomists have checked and tended to since spring! It is important to get this right for the benefit of your animals’ health and wellbeing as well as your...

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